Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Managing Staff Email Productivity

Using reports to identify specific user activity in ReplyManager  provides administrators the tools to monitor and manage their staff productivity. Although there are 14 specific reports available in ReplyManager, the User Activity and Reply Time Detail reports track user specific activity within the system.
1.  User Activity Summary
The User Activity Summary report summarizes the productivity of each user calculating the total emails events and total time used.  The data is broken down for each user as follows:
  • The number of new emails they sent
  • How many replies they sent
  • How many notes were added
  • How many emails were forwarded 
If you need to see details instead of just a summary, select the User Activity Detail report, select the same criteria, and use the reports in conjunction.

2.  Reply Time Detail
The Reply Time Detail report shows how much time each user took to respond to specific incoming emails. Data is broken down as follows:
  1. Message I.D.
  2. Date and time message received
  3. Status of message (closed, priority, read, unread)
  4. Message subject
  5. Time between original email and reply
  6. User name
  7. Email folder
The two variations of this report include Detail for Emails that had a reply and/or activity within a specified date range or Detail for Emails that were originally received in a specified date range.

Where to Find the Reports
Available to system administrators only. From ReplyManager, go to Maintenance > Reports, select the report, enter a date range, and choose a specific set of folders or ALL folders.  Click on the “View Report On Screen” or click on “Download Report in CSV Format” (view in Excel or other text editing programs).

by Dale Gaines
Customer Care